Monark baptist church neosho mo
Monark baptist church neosho mo

If you d id not come to one of t he food distributions in the last 3 mont hs, we will need the following informati on written on a piece of pap er to turn in for every househo ld receiving a food box. Tuesday Septemb er 20th is food box day fr om 1:00-5:00 here at Monark!! So t he moral of the story is if y ou want to go higher in t he things of God take in t he written word of God (fuel), mainta in a positive attitude, and soon by t he power of the Holy Spirit (t he engines) you will begin to u se your God-given wings (faith) and wi ll start to climb. If there are da rk clouds that block our view of t he sun (Son) we can climb abo ve them to where the sun (S on) is always shining.įrom an earthly perspecti ve storm clouds look dark and forebodi ng but from heaven (high altitude) th ey look harmless (white and fluffy). They can't see things from heaven 's perspective and rarely get a glimp se of anything except the next mounta in (their problems) but our faith (win gs) allows us to soar above o ur problems by God's power (lift) a nd not our own. T he unbeliever on the other hand mu st “hoof it” across the terrain (the ir circumstances and problems) under their o wn power, an arduous and dangerous ta sk. Eventual ly when we go high and fa st enough we reach escape velocity a nd leave the earth realm and ent er heaven (when God calls us home). The higher we go t he smaller the world below gets. Also as we go high er heaven is revealed (the sky becom es black and you can see t he stars (the angels)). If we cli mb high enough the air becomes th in and a constant positive attitude is requir ed for level flight. However if we ke ep a positive attitude we will go high er in the things of God. If we ha ve a negative attitude for too lo ng we are in a dive a nd need to “pull up” or we a re going to crash on our circumstanc es and problems.

monark baptist church neosho mo

With a positive attitu de our gaze is toward heaven, whi le with a negative attitude our ga ze is toward the earth. As we f ly the terrain beneath us is thin gs of this world, our circumstances, a nd our problems, and the sky abo ve is heaven. If we t ry to climb and go higher in t he things of God without POWER th is is a stall and we wi ll drop like a rock until we rega in lift (our wings).

monark baptist church neosho mo

It is impossible to climb witho ut POWER (the engines). The engines a re the Holy Spirit and the fu el is the written word of G od.

monark baptist church neosho mo

If we replace t he believer with an airplane, when we g et saved we get our wings (fai th) and take off. There is a God ly principal in this idea as y ou will soon see. 0 to 90 degre es is positive attitude while 0 to -90 degre es is a negative attitude, with 90 degre es being straight up, 0 degrees bei ng perfectly level, and -90 degre es being straight down. In the wor ld of aviation the term “attitude” refe rs to the direction in which y ou are pointed. You might have heard t he term “attitude control” in the ne ws when referring to a plane cra sh – that the plane lost “attitu de control” and crashed.

Monark baptist church neosho mo